My daughter and her 2 children were in a horrible head-on accident yesterday afternoon, here in CNY. While they all survived, and my daughter and grandson should be OK, my granddaughter has severe head, neck and brain injuries, and is in a coma.
We have no prognosis yet; they have to wait for the trauma and swelling on her brain to subside before they can tell us what her chances are, and what she might be facing; it just doesn't look good, no matter how they spin it.
May I ask for prayers and well-wishes? We are all exhausted and emotionally drained, and much in need of spirit-lifting. The kids are only 6 and 8, and they are the center of my universe. It's breaking my heart to stand there, holding her hand and talking to her still, small battered body, and I don't think I can be the brave one much longer. (Update in the extended)